Archive for the ‘jeremy ross’ Category

Jeremy Ross

June 13, 2008

Position: Photographer (Live Shows)

Location: Silverlake, CA

Bio: (written by Andy, pretty clearly): There are some men that do great things, transforming art and culture; in the end they go down as mystical legends (with a drinking problem and a track record of child abuse). And then there’s men like Jeremy Lee Ross: simply, just a man. A man who doesn’t claim to be anything more than just himself and doesn’t aspire to do anything more than to switch positions on his plastic covered couch. He sees the world for what it is: fire, volcanoes, chaos, murder, love, loss, pain… and he yawns.

If there is one true love this man has, it’s his penis. BUT, if Jeremy Lee Ross were somehow given the chance to express his second true love, he would probably attempt to tell us that it’s his penis again, but after we’d explain the rules that it has to be something different, he would sigh and then tell us that his 2nd true love is his … camera.

The man loves to take pictures and why the fuck not?! He’s a talented photographer with a great eye for color and composition. He has this sorta je ne sais quoi or essence or the talent of sweet fucking hands and eyes that allows him to take some of the best, most inventive and expressive photography around.

Jeremy Lee Ross is a man that gives the gift of you trapped in a picture taken by him. Jeremy Lee Ross gives the gift of photography and this world is a better place for it. (Also, in his spare time he fixes vacuums and repairs TV’s… so if you need work done on those – give me a ring).

Jeremy Lee Ross: the face of L.A. photography (and beyond)

Likes: 60s and 70s folk rock (Simon and Garfunkle, Bob Dylan, etc.), 1940s-1960s jazz (John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, etc.), pretty much all old school blues, Andrew Bird, The Beatles, The White Stripes, Bon Iver, Grizzly Bear, basically any indie rock band du jour.


