Archive for the ‘i will never be the same’ Category

I Will Never Be The Same Interview

November 16, 2009

Article and Photos By: Tim Bannock

View all of Tim’s I Will Never Be The Same photos here.

To paraphrase a great, sometimes it’s a long, strange trip. You set out prepared for one thing, and you end up on a wildly different journey. Thus began Friday, Nov. 6th, as CWG Metal reviewer Dave Brooks and CWG Hard Rock/Metal reviewer Tim Bannock set out for the Dakota Bar in Santa Monica to watch I Will Never Be The Same tear up the stage in support of their debut album, Standby.

I Will Never Be The Same – The Chicks With Guns Interview from Jim Markunas on Vimeo.

I Will Never Be The Same @ Dakota Bar 11/6/09

November 16, 2009

Article and Photos By: Tim Bannock

View all of Tim’s I Will Never Be The Same photos here.

To paraphrase a great, sometimes it’s a long, strange trip. You set out prepared for one thing, and you end up on a wildly different journey. Thus began Friday, Nov. 6th, as CWG Metal reviewer Dave Brooks and CWG Hard Rock/Metal reviewer Tim Bannock set out for the Dakota Bar in Santa Monica to watch I Will Never Be The Same tear up the stage in support of their debut album, Standby.

I won’t trouble you long with the torrid details: the rude scarification lady that ran the door of the Dakota Bar (big thanks to Dean for the assist on getting us in!), the featureless walls of El Cholo’s across the street, and the server that really didn’t want to let Dave have more than one watered-down beer. There’s really no reason to get into the details of Dave’s alter ego, and my inability to keep his cover. More importantly, I’d hate to waste your time with just how many things I forgot to bring on this trip, and thus the reasons for my being totally unprepared in the accompanying interview.

What I will tell you is this: despite a ridiculously nonsensical list of support bands, and despite the inexplicable absence of the French guy behind the mixer for most of the evening, I Will Never Be The Same kicked ass.

If you’ve read the review of Standby , you have a vague grasp on what the band sounds like: a versatile admixture of rock and electronica; frustration and sinister brilliance. Seeing them live is a whole other show, quite literally. Following hot on the heels of a ho-hum Linkin Park rip-off, I Will Never Be The Same took the stage with confidence and played with deft precision. A stunning feat, given some of the factors facing the band that night: the aforementioned lack of a French sound guy (meaning no sound-check at all for the band), a drummer wandering around afflicted with what seemed like a massive head cold, and an audience that had just sat through the weirdest line-up ever (the Linkin Park rip-off, an acoustic singer-songwriter, and later a band whose music was as forgettable as their singer was unapologetically annoying).

More importantly, the band pulled off the entire set — the lion’s share of the songs on Standby — without a single slip-up. For a disc that thrives on its ability to flow between live instrumentation and electronic ambience (or swap out the same for melodic chords and raging open-chord fests), you’d think it would be a hard sell to get its essence up on the stage, but Josh Atchley and crew pulled it off. Josh and fellow guitarist Taylor Haycraft had their guitars roaring, and then Josh switched to keyboards along Brittany Bao for some melodic dueling. Francis Ten (also of West Indian Girl) crushed it on the bass, and…well, for all the head-cold drama, the drumming was dead on target.

If you like great sound at an easy-going venue (as long as you’re willing to pay the scarification lady), the Dakota Bar’s definitely a choice establishment to ride into. If you like great rock and roll with touches of industrial, ambience, and a vaguely Nine Inch Nails or Orgy vibe (with some moments of Pink Floyd and Chevelle), then you absolutely cannot go wrong with I Will Never Be The Same.

They’re playing with Dramarama on Dec. 3 at Pershing Square, so get in on that show! And for the folks who are affected by our lovely economic climate, the show’s free, so you really have no excuse to miss it. Great band, great venue, and shoulder-checking little kids on ice skates: all in a day’s work!

View all of Tim’s photos here.

View the video Interview Here.

I Will Never Be The Same – Standby

November 14, 2009
I Will Never Be The Same - Standby

Written By: Tim Bannock

Label: Self-Released – Rating:

The perfect marriage between live instrumentation and electronic atmospherics is something that hasn’t been realized since Trent Reznor decided to grow some rather large nails. Los Angeles-based I Will Never Be The Same effortlessly steps into these shoes – very hard to fill – and proves that the multi-instrumentalist/song writer/producer can turn their apartment into the home base of an evil mastermind.

Overall, Standby comes across as a mix of really strong electronica (from the rave-tastic opening chords of “I’m Not the One” to the haunting ambience of “Starfields”) and hyper-melodic rock (“Worldless” and “Speak”). The variety on this disc is amazing, as it veers into the dancefloor stomp of “Motherfucker Burn” and the crushingly riff-laden hooks of “All For You” (equal parts power ballad and monster rocker). “Last Goodbye” is a trippy, acoustic psychedelia that features slick effects on the vocals and music, and is followed up by the piano-driven, dark ambient “Set Your World on Fire.”

Worried the album’s going to be too goth? “Superfuck” is an instrumental guitar jam. Worried it’s going to be too much like Nine Inch Nails or Orgy? “Eyes Turning Black” is an atmospheric track that’s more reminiscent of Phil Collins’ experimental stuff. Need something more melodic? Check out their cover of “Cry Little Sister,” the theme from Lost Boys. This disc has no boundaries, and none of the tracks come off as filler, with the instrumental “Prelude” building perfectly toward the rock-oriented electronics that unfold on this disc. At its worst, Standby might border on being a little too radio-friendly for some people’s tastes, but its clear this is an outfit that is more than comfortable with experimentation, so any doubts of that nature will fade fast as the album explores ample territory.

That the entire album was written, produced and recorded by one man – Josh Atchley – is just more icing on an already delicious cake. It’s clear that this was a labor of love based on the strength of the album’s entire sound. Clear production means that every piece of electronica isn’t lost under the pounding live drums nor the chugging guitars nor the keyboard/guitar tradeoff solo on the second track. A real drum set gives way seamlessly to thumping percussion samples, and guitars die out on distorted notes as clipped dance chords come screaming in to take you away on a halcyon journey to synesthesia. If that doesn’t make sense to you, it’s time you give this album a listen and join your flesh and blood with the circuits and keys that pervade Standby. Indeed, you will never be the same.

Like I Will Never Be The Same? Check out: Tweaker, Razed In Black, Orgy